Spirit of Tobacco Mentorship
6 Month Intimate Mentorship with Amazonian Spiritual Guide, Manari Ushigua
November 2024 – April 2025
Apply now to get Early Founder’s rate $1500 OFF. Spots are limited and will fill on a rolling basis.
The Journey
This mentorship offers an incredible journey into the spiritual and medicinal uses of tobacco through the Sapara tradition. Whether you're curious about sharing the medicine of tobacco with others or are ready to undergo a spiritual initiation, this is an invitation to deepen your service to the collective and to your own spiritual path.
By the end of this journey, you'll be able to work with tobacco on your own, share the medicine of tobacco with others for healing and transformation, both with individuals and in groups. This mentorship serves as a spiritual initiation, helping you incorporate tobacco and Indigenous wisdom into your practice and share these traditions with others.
The journey begins with an in person tobacco dieta retreat in the Amazon Rainforest, followed by 3-months of virtual integration circles led by Manari and Barbara for personal healing and self-empowerment. Then, we’ll gather for a second dieta retreat in the Andes region of Ecuador, where you'll learn how to use tobacco to help others transform and heal.
Throughout this process, you'll connect with the spirit of the Amazon Rainforest and the great Apus (mountains). You'll experience deep healing and higher states of consciousness and you’ll understand the physical and spiritual benefits of tobacco, connect with your body's wisdom, and transform yourself and the world around you.
The Structure
The Spirit of Tobacco Mentorship is a hybrid in-person experience and virtual container. At the start and middle of the container, we’ll gather as a group for a week long retreat to deeply connect to the medicine of tobacco, known in the Amazon as a “dieta.” Our first retreat will be in the Amazon Rainforest and the second retreat in the Andes Mountains.
Both retreats will be held by Manari and Shimanu Ushigua and supported by Barbara Sanchez. In between the retreats, we’ll meet as a group every 2 weeks on Zoom to integrate and deepen the teachings from the retreat. The group will be maximum 20 people, with the intention to build meaningful relationships with the other Mentees and have a high level of access and support from Manari and Barbara.
A look inside the experience
Here’s what will happen in-person
Retreat #1: November 7 - 14, 2024 in the Amazon Rainforest at the Naku Retreat Center in the Sapara Territory.
The first dieta focuses on opening your channel to connect with the spirit world and the spirit of tobacco. This is a profound opportunity for personal healing.
Retreat #2: February 13 - 20, 2025 in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador
The second dieta aims to teach you how to share and serve tobacco with others. You'll learn how to hold your own tobacco ceremonies, protect yourself energetically, and call upon spirits for support in helping others.
It lays the groundwork for future dietas and advanced plant work by initiating you into the Sapara tradition. In this tradition, tobacco is considered a neutralizing plant and starting with this dieta is the first step toward becoming a spiritual healer.
Each dieta will be 5 days long: 3 days consuming tobacco and 2 days of integration. The first dieta in the Amazon will also include a plant medicine ceremony.
During the dietas you’ll learn how to:
enter and connect to the world of dreams
remember your dreams and receive their guidance
manage lucid dreaming
blow tobacco
share tobacco with others
use tobacco to support those that experience anxiety and depression
integrate the physical, emotional, and spiritual changes you experience through the lends of the Sapara tradition
& so much more!
What is a tobacco dieta?
A dieta is a sacred practice where you drink tea or the extract from a specific plant or tree in order to to connect with its spirit, unique energy and receive its healing benefits. During this time, your diet is very simple, avoiding salt, sugar, oils, and seasonings. This minimalistic approach helps your body cleanse deeply and opens up space for the plant or tree’s energy to work on your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
The tobacco dieta involves drinking liquid tobacco for three days, followed by two days of integration. During the first 3 days of the tobacco dieta, you’ll only consume cooked plantain in addition to the tobacco, and you’ll slowly incorporate other simple foods during the integration days.
During the 3 days of working with tobacco, you will have minimal movement and contact with others as this is a time for deep inward journeying and healing. In the final two days, as food is introduced again, the group will integrate together. You’ll be supported by Manari, Shimanu and Barbara throughout the whole process.
Apply now to get access to the Early Founder’s Rate ($1500 off)
Here’s what will happen online:
We’ll gather virtually once before the first retreat for a welcome call and then twice per month after the first retreat and second retreat for the 6-month program.
The first call of the month will be a teaching and practice taught by Manari and the second call will be an integration circle where folks will get the space to share their experience, how their practice with tobacco is going and have time for Q&A. These calls will build on each other so that by the end of the program you feel confident in your ability to work with tobacco.
Each call will be between 1.5 - 2 hours. After each call, we will send lesson notes and integration work to practice through the rest of the month. All calls will be recorded and available via video in our private membership portal and via audio on our private podcast.
Live calls will take place on Thursdays between 12-2 pm EST and the exact dates and time will be shared soon.
Mentorship Curriculum Outline
Dieta 1 in the Amazon Rainforest: Personal Transformation & Healing + First Initiation
Month 1: Introduction and Practical Applications of Tobacco
Month 2: Deepening Understanding and Cultural Exchange
Month 3: Sharing and Preparation for Second Diet
Dieta 2: Preparing to Serve and Heal with Tobacco in the Andes Mountains + Second Initiation
Month 4: Learning How to Hold a Tobacco Ceremony
Month 5: Whistling + The Power of the Sacred Blow
Month 6: How to Protect Yourself and Closing Ceremony
Each month you’ll get the opportunity to receive a teaching, practice, and integrate everything you learn. You will understand how to use tobacco in your everyday life, a deeper understanding of the cultural tradition of the Sapara Nation, and prepare for holding tobacco ceremonies. Each month builds upon the last, deepening your connection to the sacred plant tobacco and your own inner leader.
*we will do our best to stick to this curriculum while also letting Spirit lead the way and based on what Manari feels the group needs
The Spirit of Tobacco Mentorship is limited to 20 people and there are 3 spots left.
“I have completed my Tobacco dieta and it was life changing! My experience with it was really gentle. A deep purification moment. A reconnection with my mother and also with Mother Earth. I had clear dreams during my retreat and managed to calm my mind. I really feel the need to slow down now and be kind and good to myself. Now I really understand the concept of collaborating with the spirit beings. I am deeply grateful that I had the opportunity to have this experience and connection with the spirit of Tobacco. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Barbara, Manari and my Sapara Family.”
- emilie LEMIEUX, The Spirit oF Tobacco course Participant

The Spirit of Tobacco retreats include:
You will be taken care of from the moment you land in Quito to your departure. It’s our mission for you to arrive and immediately feel held throughout this experience. You relax, let us deal with all the logistics.
☑️ 7 nights of accommodations: 1 night in Quito, 5 nights for the dieta (Retreat #1: Naku Center, Retreat #2: Black Sheep Inn), 1 final night in Quito to before flying home
☑️ Dieta with the Master Plant (tobacco)
☑️ Dieta meals provided to assist in deep cleansing and to create space for the spirit of the Master plant
☑️ Integration circles and guidance provided by Manari Ushigua, Shimanu Ushigua, and Barbara Manuela
☑️ Plant Medicine Ceremony to close the dieta (Retreat #1 only)
☑️ All transportation throughout the retreat (including flight in and out of the jungle for Retreat 1)
☑️ Pick up and drop off at the Aeropuerto Mariscal in Quito, Ecuador
☑️ Tobacco to use for your own practice for 3 months post retreat
Your retreats do not include:
❌ Flights to and from Ecuador
❌ Souvenir & tip money
Who this program is for…
The Spirit of Tobacco Mentorship is a spiritual initiation under the Sapara tradition and it is an intimate training specifically for folks who are healers, medicine men and women, ceremony leaders and facilitators’s who are doing the work to support others in their healing journey. This mentorship is to deepen your connection to the world of spirit and the healing medicine of tobacco that you can use for yourself and other. Even if you already work with tobacco, this will take your current understanding and practice to the next level.
For this reason, we only have 20 spots available and you must submit an application, so that we can make sure that it’s the right fit for each member of the group.
If you’re not sure if this is for you, email info@dreamwordldprogram.com and Barbara will be able to help answer any questions.
The Exchange
The Spirit of Tobacco Mentorship is one-of-a-kind and first-of-its-kind opportunity to learn the ancestral Sapara practices and traditions of working with tobacco from the direct lineage with Manari Ushigua, supported by Shimanu Ushigua. The Mentorship is a time commitment, deep spiritual commitment and financial commitment in the low 5-figures. Once we review and approve your application, we'll share the exact financial investment (payment plans available).
Over 30 people have gone through through the Spirit of Tobacco.
Here are the incredible experiences…
“Sitting in the presence of Manari and Barbara and other healers was such a gift. This brought so much joy to my being.” - Kelly Rae Kerwin
“A truly profound program. The knowledge and culture Manari shares is something you can’t put a price on. What a time to be alive, where we can immerse ourselves in the traditions without leaving our homes. This was truly an emotional 3 days in such a good way. The information I received and the deeper understanding of working with the spirit of tobacco is something that will be with me forever. My heart is so full.” - Camille Barrios
“This transformative event has truly changed my life in ways I never thought possible. Through insightful discussions and powerful teachings, I have gained a new perspective on life and a deeper understanding of the world around me. I am forever grateful for the impact this seminar has had on me.” - Zinovia Pateraki
“I feel more connected to the world of spirit and to my purpose in this human experience.” - Isabel Franco
“This course is a one-of-kind offering not often shared with the outside world. We're honored and privileged to be able to be guided by Manari through these potent spiritual awakenings.” - Ligeia Moltisanti
Meet your guides
Manari Ushigua is a traditional healer and leader of the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Manari was named one of the 100 Latinos 2021 committed to climate action. Manari has been a key figure in the indigenous movement of his country as the Vice President of CONAIE (The National Indigenous Organization of Ecuador) from 2013-2016, and as the President of the Sapara Indigenous Federation from 1999 to 2012. He’s participated in international events, like COP21 UN Climate Summit and the UN Universal Periodic Review of human rights, raising awareness about the threat to his homeland.
Manari is the co-founder of the Naku Center in Sapara territory, creating a new economic model in the Amazon that is based around cultural and forest preservation.
Barbara Sánchez is the Program Director for Dream World, a trauma informed coach and cacao ceremonialist.
Barbara began her personal development journey at the age of 17 and has dedicated the last 11 years to learning how to heal by gathering tools from the ancient and modern world.
Being raised between Ecuador and New York, Barbara is a bridge between cultures, and currently lives between Queens, NY and Ecuador, continuing her path in reconnecting with her roots and deepening her connection to the Amazon.
As an American-Ecuadorian her mission is to empower others to fully embrace their identity, feel worthy of taking of space and break generational cycles that are holding them back.
Shimanu Ushigua is a traditional healer from the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Shimanu serves as the current Vice President to the Sapara Nation and is committed to protecting and defending the Amazon Rainforest and seeking out projects for continued growth for his community. Shimanu leads transformation journeys and medicine ceremonies at the Naku Center in the Amazon Rainforest.

Got any questions? Schedule a FREE 20 minute risk free discovery call with Barbara.
Questions that may come up for you
The Mentorship is 6-months, from November 2024 through April 2025, including two in person retreats in Ecuador and 6-months of virtual support.
This mentorship is one-of-a-kind program and will be a time, spiritual and financial commitment (low 5-figure investment). Once we review and approve your application, we'll share all the details. If it feels like a FULL YES, we'll work together to find ways to make it happen for you.
No! This is the first time that Manari will be initiating students under the Sapara tradition how to work with the sacred plant of Tobacco.
Your passport must be valid for at least six months past your date of entry in order to enter Ecuador. You will not be allowed to enter the country with a passport that expires within six months of your date of entry. Be sure to check your passport now to see if you meet this requirement so you can secure a timely renewal if necessary. No visa is required for entry with a Canadian or US passport.
The Amazon rainforest is characterized by rain, heat, and more rain and heat, providing the perfect environment for plants and wildlife. The Amazon is always humid with generous amounts of rain occurring year-round. Both the rainy and “rainier” seasons are great times to visit because there tends to be a greater amount of animal activity. This is due to the fact that an increase in rain brings higher levels of fruit production, which means many species (including monkeys and fruit-eating birds) are more active and begin their reproductive cycles. The Amazon is a unique, unpredictable place, so to ensure the best experience possible it is necessary to come prepared for the unexpected.
The rain becomes more frequent in March and continues through July. August through to early December is more of a fluctuation season, meaning it can rain one minute and be sunny the next. The daytime temperatures in the rainforest are usually 26C to 32C degrees with humidity and in the evenings can fall to 20C degrees. Even though temperatures are warm, it is important to bring clothes that cover your arms and legs due to the bugs, so focus on light, breathable fabrics. Bring a few light layers for evening or sleeping as we are sleeping undercover, but outside with a light blanket.
In February, the weather around the Quilotoa Crater in Ecuador is pretty cool and a bit unpredictable. During the day, temperatures usually range from about 50°F to 68°F (10°C to 20°C), but it can get quite chilly at night, sometimes dropping to near freezing.
Since it's the rainy season, you can expect frequent showers and overcast skies, so packing a good rain jacket and some warm layers is a good idea. The weather can change quickly, with sunny mornings giving way to clouds and rain later in the day.
Just be ready for a mix of cool temperatures and wet weather, and you’ll be all set to enjoy the stunning views of the Andes mountains.
We will send a detailed packing list before each retreat so you have everything you need.
In countries like Ecuador, diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and hepatitis can be contracted. However, if the necessary preventative steps are taken, these illnesses can be successfully avoided. This information is provided to keep you safe and healthy during the trip. Please review this guide for detailed healthcare information and consult with your doctor for the approach that is best for you. If you are committed to homeopathic or herbal medicines, information on these alternatives is also included.
Medical Information:
Malaria: The rainforest region we will be visiting has very little to no malaria. However, the decision to take preventative medicine is an individual decision. Prescription Malarone has proven most effective for malaria, China is a homeopathic option and Artemisia (Wormwood) is a good herbal option.
Immunizations: No immunizations are required for entry into Ecuador unless you are entering from an endemic area. Yellow fever immunization is required if you are passing through any other South American country on your way to Ecuador (even when you are only in an airport) or if you are entering Ecuador from an endemic area. The Center for Disease Control has an extensive website with travel related information at http://www.cdc.gov/travel/index.htm. Your Ecuadorian consulate can also advise you on current requirements.
Please consult your healthcare professional or local travel clinic for more information on these topics and to meet your specific needs. It is generally recommended to have an updated Hep A, Hep B, and Tetanus vaccination. If you choose to get a typhoid vaccination we recommend taking it orally for less side effects.
Ecuador’s economy is based on the US dollar so there is no need to make an exchange. Be sure to bring your money in loose change and dollars in smaller denominations (mostly $1’s, $5’s, $10’s and just a few $20’s). Most vendors and local businesses will not have the appropriate change and $1 and $5 bills will be very handy and even necessary.
Credit cards may be accepted at larger establishments but often with a surcharge.
ATMs are available only in Ecuador’s larger cities and pin numbers must not be longer than 4 digits. You will have access to an ATM in Quito upon arrival and then in Puyo or Baños after we get out of the rainforest.
Inside the community, you'll have an opportunity to purchase local handmade crafts like jewelry and ceramics from the Sapara women. We suggest $250 in personal spending cash for inside and outside of the jungle is sufficient.
We suggest you bring your money in small bills, such as ones and fives, for easier transactions.
We require that you purchase travel insurance (medical & flight cancellation) for your time away from home. This kind of travel can be unpredictable and weather dependent.